Charmaine's conclave walks through art & thoughts...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Agoraphobia & Creativity.

So, those keeping score know that I'm a social girl who has some anxieties about the so-called "marketplace". There's some meetings I get to go to and some docs I get to talk to starting in May. I suppose I'll be off work until then.

I'm looking forward to getting help. It's challenging. In the meantime, I'm going to try a new strategy. I'm going to use photography and words to help my way through it. I'm going to pick somewhere... look at pics of it, write how I'll feel when I go there and try to take some pictures of it myself. It's going to have to be simple places to go at first and I might have to bring a friend with me to get the ball rolling but I'll at least be trying.

I'm so lucky to have supportive friends. I wish I didn't have to go through this alone tho...

Jolly Pirates

The loves of my life.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

From the Dream Present

Last night I dreamt I was in a band with Melissa aud der Maur. We had this place in a city to live in and record. It was beautiful.


Thursday, March 13, 2008


Is underrated. People should never under estimate a good stretch.


In my next life I'd like to come back as a cat. They look like they're really good at stretching... and sleeping.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting Help

Today I go to the doctor. It's not something I feel like doing.

If my doc is serious about helping me I think I'll end up talking to someone and giving me meds that can calm me down.

I feel so embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Update: For those keeping score at home. I got a referral to a Agoraphobia Help Centre and my work should be able to give me some short term time off so I can get a grip on things. I'm trying to do this un-medicated.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Agoraphobia pt. 2

"When to seek medical advice

Agoraphobia can make you feel like a prisoner in your own home. You may be so fearful of having a panic attack that you can't venture into public. Some people with agoraphobia have "safe zones," or places, areas or situations they can go without severe worry. For instance, you may be able to walk around your neighborhood, but no farther. Or, you may be able to go places as long as a trusted relative or friend is with you. Sometimes you may muster up the courage to go somewhere but feel severely distressed and anxious.

Agoraphobia, whether extreme or not, can severely limit your life. You may not be able to socialize as you'd like. You may not be able to go to school or work. You may not be able to run errands for your family, attend your child's soccer game or go shopping with friends. If you anticipate having a panic attack, you may indeed have one, and you may constantly worry about the next one — causing a vicious cycle. The number of places you're able to go may become fewer and fewer.

At the same time, these fears, as well as embarrassment, can make it extremely difficult to visit your health care professional. Consider starting, instead, with a phone call to your health care professional. Some health care professionals, particularly mental health experts who specialize in agoraphobia and anxiety disorders, may initially be able to meet with you in your own home. Don't let agoraphobia make your world smaller than you'd like it to be."

I need help.

Does Fear Attract Fear?

My friend Azarhi would tell me it does. Years ago she told me this when we were walking around California at night and my anxiety of being somewhere I was unfamiliar with started to set in.

I’ve thought about that saying a lot since then.

I force myself to go places. I try very hard not to let it control my life. It’s also very irrational and dependant on my mood. I have flown across the continent alone… that doesn’t seem to bother me… I know the pilot knows where they’re going… The hardest part for me is checking in at the right line and finding the proper gate and walking the right direction… If I think I’m going the wrong way I’ll start looking for a washroom or something else I might want to look at to stop me from freaking out.

Some things that really get me going is not knowing which subway stop I want to get off at… There have been times in Toronto where I walk down the stairs to the platform and I almost pass out thinking that I’m lost. I’ve actually had to sit on the stairs and collect myself on a few occasions.

When I’m shopping in a mall and I walk out of a store and forget which way I was walking I normally get this very quick and intense surge of fear… I don’t quite understand it.

The only times I can remember getting lost as a child was in Kingston, ON at the big apple and in a Chucky Cheese type establishment; The latter being a rather terrifying event for me. However, I don’t get flashbacks of these events when the panic strikes me.

Normally when I’m with someone else it’s ok. It’s always made me wonder if I have some form of Monophobia. I don’t know if this is the most reliable link but this describes a lot of how I feel

My father bought me some mace.

I like the idea behind it but in the back of my head I hear Azarhi. Am I attracting fear? By thinking I need to protect myself? I’ve developed this sort of way of thinking that I can ignore the fear while going somewhere that I don’t feel so safe. Or by distracting myself re-assuring myself THIS is where I’m supposed to be. Wherever THIS is. I’ve come a longer way than I thought I would have. I don’t remember this being as bad when I was a child. Infact, I’m positive this has developed in my late teens.


I’m not sure if I should carry it or not. And I don’t care that it’s illegal.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I've loved this since I laid eyes on it.

The Kiss - The Cure.
I only really prefer this version.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

So how about them Dodgers?


So how about them Dodgers?


O hai

I'll find the need somewhere.

Dis iz bein a peekshur of me.

There are some things I love in life...

Babies getting hurt by balloons is one of them

Another is Mr. Garrison's Theory of Evolution...

I think my favourite thing today tho is this:

Then I found this:

I need to get off the internet...

Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm a crotchety old woman...

^^^ Me... in T minus zero.

I'm a crotchety old bag or I definitely will be one day.

It took me 3 hours to get home today. Toronto needs to fuck off with it's snow storms every other day.

There's about eleventy-billion teens screaming at the top of their lungs outside my house right now. Shrilling little shits that better not be near my car. They ran infront of me and I had my window open I told them to smarten up because the roads were really bad and getting hit by a car isn't funny.

You Don't Know Jack

You Don't Know Jack Free Beta Game

^^^ This game is fun. I used to like how it was sarcastic... I never liked how I never beat Lyn at it.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Astronomy is neato...

Holy Smokes... click here...

I'll be checking this from now on. How spiffy.

Oh honey...

The Audreys

Kim Mitchell does a bit on classic rock Q107 in Toronto called "damn I wish I wrote that".

Well... damn, I wish I wrote this song. I might as well have.

...Might have to buy the album "between last night & us".

I heard them today on CIUT

The Audreys




-(in best Dot form Madtv voice impression)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Billy Corgan on Abuse

This is probably the most sense this man has made in years.
I'm enlightened when people have a voice for them and for others.
Everyone has their own reasons for not speaking out about abuse... but hopefully some people can.

Monday, March 3, 2008

There was a time I was madly in love...

I remember how good that felt.

Why did he hurt someone like me (who just wanted to love him) just to realize later I'm all they ever wanted?

There's a whirlwind of things I cannot express right now.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jeff Healey RIP

Jeff Healey (my friends uncle + Canadian musician) has passed away.

Jeff on Wikipedia

Thoughts with them.


I haven't had McDonald's in over 5 years. Even before I became a vegetarian (plinka plinka).

I'm doing a marketing research project on them which is sort of interesting but I think if I was actually doing a media plan for them and was working for them they woudn't want my references to be FAST FOOD NATION and NO LOGO.


I would...

probably ask this guy out on a date. Not because of the recycling but because of the uni-cycle. What an interesting talent.

I'm afraid of crabs...

But I like it when they're in this guys mouth being dragged across the ground...

Best Sushi in Toronto

as by blogTO.

I haven't tried these places...


Top 10 Sushis - nom nom nom.

I'm sad because I bought pretty good sushi downtown last night and got a huge amount packed up to go and I left it at a pub where I met up with some friends. I hope they enjoyed my futomaki, spicey salmon, spicey tuna, spicey salmon w/ tempura flakes and california rolls... *shakes fist*
