Charmaine's conclave walks through art & thoughts...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Agoraphobia pt. 2

"When to seek medical advice

Agoraphobia can make you feel like a prisoner in your own home. You may be so fearful of having a panic attack that you can't venture into public. Some people with agoraphobia have "safe zones," or places, areas or situations they can go without severe worry. For instance, you may be able to walk around your neighborhood, but no farther. Or, you may be able to go places as long as a trusted relative or friend is with you. Sometimes you may muster up the courage to go somewhere but feel severely distressed and anxious.

Agoraphobia, whether extreme or not, can severely limit your life. You may not be able to socialize as you'd like. You may not be able to go to school or work. You may not be able to run errands for your family, attend your child's soccer game or go shopping with friends. If you anticipate having a panic attack, you may indeed have one, and you may constantly worry about the next one — causing a vicious cycle. The number of places you're able to go may become fewer and fewer.

At the same time, these fears, as well as embarrassment, can make it extremely difficult to visit your health care professional. Consider starting, instead, with a phone call to your health care professional. Some health care professionals, particularly mental health experts who specialize in agoraphobia and anxiety disorders, may initially be able to meet with you in your own home. Don't let agoraphobia make your world smaller than you'd like it to be."

I need help.

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