Charmaine's conclave walks through art & thoughts...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scott Thompson

Scott Thompson is going to be on Tom Green's show broadcasted live from his house tonight.

Oh how I love Kids in the Hall...

tom green blog pic

Update: Scott did mention that Kids in the Hall are writing new material and going to reunite. I've heard that same song for so long. Here's hoping it's a tour and not just Just for Laughs or something. Actually... I'd rather it be TV Shows and I'd try to go to a taping...

Scott really has aged well... he takes good care of himself. I can't say that for the other 4. hah.

Out of my FACE!

Camera Tricks

I need to go back to the doc. I've been off my acne prescription and I'm glad for camera tricks and over exposure. People say my acne's not bad but what they don't know is how much it physically hurts me. I'd go on Accutane ( if you know... the side effects weren't suicide and I'm sure accutane doesn't mix well with exceema. Anyway... being off Diane +35 is absolute hell...

I'm a Bad Friend...

I have a friend Lacey... I met her in college... She helps me organize my time always but I'm so tired all the time I never know what's going on and I miss out a lot on what I'm trying to do. I appreciate her but I really don't deserve the time and energy she gives me. I feel like such a tool. Financially I can't work any less so I'm screwed this is the best it can be this semester. I feel so bad I upset her. Hopefully we'll do well on our project and it'll make it better.

From the Dream Present

Last night I dreamt I was in the woods. I ran into Sara {one of my closest friends} . It felt like a hot September day and the sun was going down so it was getting cool fast but you could still feel the heat form the day in your skin.

S: You know what would happen if you fell asleep out here?

C: The mosquitos would kill you.

She didn't really want me to answer she wanted to tell me that. She was proud of the knowledge and I sort of interrupted her.

We go back to our town... which isn't our town and for some reason I know I'm living in  the USA. I have a job in a strip mall and I won something. My boss an old incoherent lady tells me I get to have the "mail room" key. When I come in in the morning I'm allowed to go to the mail room and take something off the 4th shelf as my prize. I was really excited.

Then, I remember there was someone in the store I was giving heck and it was a good looking guy... well he was alright looking... tall, thin, brown messy hair... but then he tried to woo me over and what he was saying didn't really work until he told me he was 7'4" tall. I found that ridiculously sexy and even tho I was trying to bitch at him I turned into putty. 


L: He really likes you y'know I worked with him yesterday he talked about you a lot.

C: Yeah, but I'm not interested; I'm just not that excited that he exists.

L: You never know he might cherish you and take care of you forever and be exactly what you're looking for.

C: You know what he makes me feel like... a horse... when it goes lame... and it has to be put down.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh, Dot. How I love you so let me count the ways.

I have no idea if I'm cooked or not...

For the Love of Sleep

Please please please...

I just want some shut eye. Just a little bit. Please?

If this doesn't work I'll auction off strikes to my skull with blunt objects... bonus monies if you induce a coma.



I wish I was still as in love with them as I once was.

She's a Good Egg

Egg Salad Sandwiches are pretty much the best thing ever invented. Nom Nom Nom.

Last night I dreamt about my first boyfriend... and he was fat. I ran into him in a mall and he was meeting a girl for lunch... It was back in time and we were dating... Turns out I caught him meeting the girl because she was my friend and I was meeting her for lunch too... I ended up stealing a car and meeting him later for a rendezous while the cops were after me.

I don't prefer dreaming about exs because it brings back feelings that aren't favourable. Things that don't feel real but can be conjured up only by their presence.

I've always been told I'm "such a girl".

People at my work think I'm rather funny but it's interesting to me when I'm miserable. It's also interesting to me that I make people laugh... It's something I really enjoy doing but I have to be comfortable with who I'm with. I have to gauge what makes them tick because humour is different all round for different folks. At work I have a horrible mouth and say outrageous things but my mother has never heard me cuss. Sort of like that. I think I feel awkward sometimes in situations if I can't make people laugh... I feel too censored. Normally I only get like that with men I find interesting when I really wish I could on the contrary turn the charm up a notch. Meh.

There's a handsome gentleman at work... I can't say his name... it's Russian or something close to that... I secretly hope he can't speak English. Tonight it got me wondering if someone could fall in love if they couldn't speak the same language... I'm not so sure it'd be love but lust... and if it developed into love it'd be quite the coincidence. Maybe they're develop their own language of love... maybe it'd be impossible to fight if you didn't have the words to injure another's psyche and heart.

For your information I am a Scorpio Wood Rat.

Year of the Rat

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I refused to believe it for so long...

I've never believed Steven Tyler sang this song... I had to see it for myself. What a effin' good song. Not particularly great live apparently. But I shouldn't really mess with Aerosmith. I remember I used to walk around town with my walkman blaring Big Ones that Christine got my for a birthday...

I gauge events in my life by what music I'm listening to.

From the Dream Vault

D R E A M - Wheat Kings - December 2, 2007

I just woke up from a very fun dream. I was at my favourite concert venue in Toronto, The Opera House. The sound there is so good and you can lean right up against the stage. The Tragically Hip were performing and I was front row centre. I had a Mountie hat on and I was singing along. I put my hat down on the stage and moved to the back of the venue. Gord takes the hat comes into the crowd (where I’m sitting at a school desk) and he asks me to come on stage. A few other people go on stage too and we sing back up to Wheat Kings. He put the hat back on my head. It was lot of fun and reminded me of the time I danced with the lead singer from Elbow.

I love fun deams.

“Wheeeeeeeeat kings… and pretty things…”

What the eff is a KNUT?

Monday, February 25, 2008


Instead of studying... I watch RIDICULOUS youtube videos...

I just don't trust this guy's smile o.0

Sent Home Early...

Yeah, my eyes see...

I don't really like how my pics don't fit on my blog unless I post smaller ones. I might try to make my own template because this blog looks nothing like one I'd like to have.

Apparently I have a midterm in Humanities this afternoon and I haven't been to class for a while... so... since I get sent home early I really should study for that...

I dunno why no one likes that class. The prof is kinda intense but teachers always love me so I'm okay with her. I have no idea what the test is going to be on so this should be interesting...

Eyes read.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Google Plex

Time check... a million o'clock...

Time Check: 3:56am.

4am listening to stand up online...

Note to self: Do your marketing project idiot.

Anne Frank's Tree

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve had a fascination with trees. I was a loner for the first part of my life and trees became my friends. Trees are good listeners and say more than you would think if you actually listen.
There were certain trees I would talk to more than the others. My favourite tree was a huge maple outside the first house my family and I ever lived in. We haven’t lived at that house for 15 years. Recently I decided to go on a photography excursion so I could capture a picture and always remember my favourite tree. When I went to the spot I noticed the tree had been cut down. It too had white rot like Anne Frank’s tree.
As an adult seeing a stump where a friend used to be is very difficult for me to explain. It actually made me feel like a part of my childhood had been taken away – one of my favourite memories. I liked that tree the most because it looked different but I suppose it was actually sick. It had smooth surfaces in the trunk that I used to love to touch and fathom the inner-workings of the tree.
Anne Frank’s tree makes me wonder about all the things she thought about every nook, cranny, crack and surface of that specific tree. If I had it my way I would build a massive exact replica out of bronze, possibly with copper for the leaves that would tarnish green. I think it would be beautiful and would have a lot of meaning to her. I know if I went back to my tree and saw a tribute and not a stump I’d be elated.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I am going to go try and sleep again for the eleventy-billionth time... but it's time for another time check  folks... I am constantly in a stage of not being awake and not really ever being asleep. There's no way I have the neuro-transmitter that produces melatonin, there's just no freakin' way. It's hard to be productive if you're not coherent enough to change a light bulb. I've always tried to sort of meditate before bed... to let my mind wander to whatever it wants... it ends up day-dreaming up a kaleidoscope of images and some of them are not so pleasant. I try to tell myself that there's no thought police. My mind ends up meandering to the same little things... my little secrets. I get so excited. I try to count down from 10. A friend taught me a trick to help me sleep by counting each number down from 10 really concentrating on each number and if you get side tracked to start at 10 again... well, I hardly make it to 10. I seem to have to be at the point of utter physical exhaustion to sleep because just being mentally exhausted just doesn't cut it. I try reading but everything's a blur... I just sort of feel like I'm treading time...

Oh, and I've lost my clicker... so I just leave the Comedy Network on... when I've seen the same episode of This Hour has 22 Minutes 3 times I know I haven't slept in a long time...

In Fucking Somnia

This is why I don't sleep...

Time check... 8:55am.

I am making a blog.

