Charmaine's conclave walks through art & thoughts...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

From the Dream Vault

D R E A M - Wheat Kings - December 2, 2007

I just woke up from a very fun dream. I was at my favourite concert venue in Toronto, The Opera House. The sound there is so good and you can lean right up against the stage. The Tragically Hip were performing and I was front row centre. I had a Mountie hat on and I was singing along. I put my hat down on the stage and moved to the back of the venue. Gord takes the hat comes into the crowd (where I’m sitting at a school desk) and he asks me to come on stage. A few other people go on stage too and we sing back up to Wheat Kings. He put the hat back on my head. It was lot of fun and reminded me of the time I danced with the lead singer from Elbow.

I love fun deams.

“Wheeeeeeeeat kings… and pretty things…”

1 comment:

sinner said...

I have the EXACT same dream!! Except in mine I'm only wearing a jock. Oh and I have a sombrero instead of a mountie hat. Oh and it's not the Hip. It's the Go Go's on stage.

Other than that it's exactly the same
